Like + doing something
Canteen: It is the restaurant of the high school
Changing room. It is a room where you can change your clothes
Hear Teacher: Is the person in charge of the direction at the high school.
ICT Suite: Computer's room.
Staffroom: Teacher's room.
Coach: Phisical Education Teacher.
Boarding school: It is a school where you can live.
Healthy food: Food that is healthy
Facilities: Prestaciones
Entrance hall: Hall
Sport Hall: Room where you practice a sport at high school.
To Become: Llegar a ser
To bi fit: Estar en forma
My main sport: The sport i practice more
I miss lessons: Don't go class
To check: Corregir
To eat loads: To eat a lot
Break: This is the time when you don have classes
Goggles: Glasses
Hoop: A1ro
Scuba diving: Submarinismo
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