I can do presentations and speak about a photo.
2. Can I write a brief paragraph ?
Yes, I can write a brief paragraph.
3. Can I understand information from readings?
Yes, I can understand information from readings.
4. Can I understand information from listenings?
Yes, I can understand information from listenings.
5. Can I speak using vocabulary and grammar learnt this term?
Yes, I can use some vocabulary such as torch...
6. What do I do well ?
I do well my spelling.
7.What do I need help with?
I need help with translation.
8. What do I do in English outside the class?
I do my homework and speak with my family.
9. What do I need to improve?
I need to be concentraded and pay more atention.
10. What did I learn about culture?
I learn how do the people have fun going theme parks and funfairs.